Friday, July 6, 2007


cool. i just set up my blog so that i can text in blog posts from my cell phone (see the inaugural moblog below). this will enable me to make quick posts while playing or during the 15 minute breaks. you will be able to check back here for brief updates, chips counts, significant hands, the number of players i have busted, etc.



DeepThought said...


Jake, I'm really stoked for you. Have a fantastic time in Vegas. Who knows...I might get a wild hair and come up for a day or two. In the immortal words of Mike Sexton: may all your cards be live, and your pots be monsters!

Anonymous said...

Good job Jake - But spend your little bit of down time relaxing - it will be a lot better for your game...and PAY ATTENTION in eajavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Commentch pot you are not in...Victor

Anonymous said...

Jake "The Snake" or JakieO, good luck in the big dance. Play your game and hope you don't run into a syndicate brother. Above all enjoy the experience!