Wednesday, August 29, 2007

made the cut

i got a total of about 5 seconds of air time on espn's broadcast of the main event last night! i was shown sitting next to robert varkonyi during the hand i anticipated them showing. pretty cool, as i don't think i've ever been on national television before. i was shown three different times in the episode including congratulating rob on doubling through chris ferguson.

near the end of the episode, they did a crowd scan and showed my table again. you could only see the back of my head, but my brother was clearly visible on the rail behind me. quite possibly his TV debut as well.

autographed photos now available. email me for a cost quote.



Anonymous said...

You were also in the opening segment when they show Ferguson sitting down. At least I thought that was you. You kinda look right into the camera.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you cleared that up ... I thought someone had shaved Grimace and given him a professional skin-bleaching and a quick "Poker For Dummies" tutorial before plopping him down next to the assclown that is Robert Varkonyi.

Jake said...

you best watch yo back or i'll get a sap and clock you repeatedly in the joe-joes!!